Works in Progress
1. Öz, Seda. The Politics of Transnational Film Remakes: Mapping Border Crossing Acts in Turkish National Cinema (Book proposal under preparation for Ediburgh University Press)
2. Öz, Seda. “Weimar/Nazi/Post-War German Cinema’s Remaking Practices: Alraune Returns Again and Again.” (under preparation for Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance)
Edited Collections
1. Adaptation Practices in Turkish Literature, Cinema, and Media co-edited with Taner Can. Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture Series (Under contract at Palgrave-Macmillan)
Peer Reviewed Articles
Öz, Seda. “The Politics of Transnational Film Remakes: A Turkish Young Frankenstein Betwixt Coup d’etats ” Literature/Film Quarterly. 50.2. (Spring 2022)
Öz, Seda. “‘Bakhtinian Contextuality’ in Adaptation Studies: Screen Robinson Subverting the Source.” Adaptation. 9.3 (2016): 345-61.
Akıllı, Sinan and Seda Öz. “'No More Let Life Divide...’: Victorian Metropolitan Confluence in Penny Dreadful.” Critical Survey 28.1 (2016): 15-29.
Öz, Seda, and Sinan Akıllı. “Relevance through Ambivalence in the Girl’s Own Paper: ‘Robina Crusoe’ as a Popular Girl’s Robinsonade.” Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters 32.2 (2015): 215-228.
Book Chapters
Öz, Seda. “Introduction: Adaptation in the East-West Bridge.” Adaptation Practices in Turkish Literature, Cinema, and Media, edited by Seda Öz and Taner Can, Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture Series, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. (forthcoming)
Öz, Seda. “Borderland Identities in Penny Dreadful: City of Angels: Urban Planning and Its Impact on Chicano Communities.” Penny Dreadful and Adaptation: Reanimating and Transforming the Monster, edited by Julie Grossman and Will Scheibel, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture Series, 2023. 253-67.
Öz, Seda. “Following the Flâneur Hulot in Playtime: The Soundscape of the New Paris” The Routledge Companion to European Cinema, edited by Gabor Gergely and Susan Hayward, Routledge, 2021. 121-132.
Al, Umut, and Seda Öz. “The Role of Municipal Public Libraries in the e-Transformation of Turkey.” Public Library Governance: International Perspectives, edited by Carolynn Rankin and Edward F. Halpin, De Gruyter, 2020. 265-82.
Book Reviews
Öz, Seda. Review of Adaptations in the Franchise Era: 2001-16, by Kyle Meikle. Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 59.4 (Summer 2020): 200-204
Öz, Seda. Review of Fatih Akin's Cinema and the New Sound of Europe, by Berna Gueneli. Journal of Religion and Film. 23.2 (October 2019): Article 11
Invited Talks/Panels/Roundtables
Öz, Seda. “Spinning Off Contemporary Politics: Mexican Folklore, the Chicano Movement, and Nazism in Penny Dreadful: City of Angels.” Association of Adaptation Studies Annual Conference: (In)Visible Adaptation: Diversity and Inclusion. University of Lisbon, Portugal. June 23-24, 2022.
Öz, Seda. “National Cinemas Under Political Orthodoxies: Remaking Practices of Yeşilçam Cinema.” Reframing the Turkish Film Remake. Academic Symposium. King’s College London, UK. April 11, 2022.
Öz, Seda. “Absence of Reception in Transnational Film Remakes.” To Be Continued: Defining, Producing, Performing, Consuming, and Theorizing Serials and Adaptations. September 23-24, 2021.
Conference Presentations
Öz, Seda. “Weimar/Nazi/Post-War German Cinema’s Remaking Practices: Alraune Returns Again and Again.” Literature/Film Association Annual Conference: Work and Play, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. October 20-22, 2022.
Öz, Seda. “Border Crossing in/of Transnational Film Remakes.” 51st Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA): “Shaping and Sharing Identities: Spaces, Places, Languages, and Cultures,” Association of Adaptation Studies Panel, Boston University, Massachusetts, USA, March 5-8, 2020.
Öz, Seda. “Rethinking Transnational Remakes and Remaking Practices: The Case of Turkish Cinema.” 14th Annual Association of Adaptation Studies Conference “Adaptation and Modernisms: Establishing and Dismantling Borders in Adaptation Practice and Theory,” Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. September 19-20, 2019.
Öz, Seda. “Where Did All the Turkish Mockbuster Films Go?” Literature/Film Association Annual Conference: “Reboot • Repurpose • Recycle,” Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, USA. September 12-14, 2019.
Öz, Seda. “Remaking the Genre: Performance of Space in the Cross-Cultural Adaptations of Akira Kurosawa’s Samurai Films.” Literature/Film Association Annual Conference: Space, Place & Adaptation, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. November 29-December 1, 2018.
Öz, Seda. “A Turkish Young Frankenstein Redefines Politics of Remaking.” 90th South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) Conference: “Fighters from the Margins: Socio Political Activists and their Allies,” Association of Adaptation Studies Panel, Birmingham, Alabama, USA. November 2-4, 2018.
Öz, Seda. “Spatial Identities: Urban City as the Modern Anti-Hero in Public Enemy and Scarface.” Film and Media History Conference: Stars and Screen, Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey, USA. September 27-29, 2018.
Öz, Seda. “Materialization of the Immaterial: Screening Nostalgia through Brideshead Revisited.” 12th Annual Association of Adaptation Studies Conference: “Returns,” De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. September 18-19, 2017.
Al, Umut, Seda Öz, and Zehra Taşkın. “Opportunities of Collaboration with Public Libraries on Government and Governance.” 82nd IFLA General Conference and Assembly: IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Columbus, Ohio, USA. August 13-19, 2016.
Öz, Seda.“From Congo to Vietnam: Apocalypse Now as a Contextually Differentiated Adaptation of Heart of Darkness.” 10th International IDEA Conference: “Studies in English,” Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey. April 14-16, 2016.
Öz, Seda. “Late Victorian Juvenile Periodical Girl’s Own Paper as a Fin De Siècle Precursor to Modern Participatory Culture.” Adaptation and Perception: Media Convergence Conference, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany. December 3-5, 2015.
Akıllı, Sinan, and Seda Öz. “’No More Let Life Divide...’: Victorian Metropolitan Confluence in Penny Dreadful.” 10th Annual Association of Adaptation Studies Conference: “Adaptations and the Metropolis,” University of London, London, UK. September 24-25, 2015.
Soydal, İrem, Seda Öz, and Umut Al. “Librar-e Turkey Planning and Pilot Project: Impact Planning and Assessment Studies.” 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France. May 26-29, 2015.
Soydal, İrem, Seda Öz, and Umut Al. “Future Librarians from the Eyes of Public Library Staff in Turkey.” 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France. May 26-29, 2015.
Alır, Gülten, Rafet Orçun Madran, Göknur Kaplan Akıllı, and Seda Öz. “Librar-e Turkey: Preliminary Evaluation of Citizen Training Activities.” 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France. May 26-29, 2015.
Öz, Seda. “Analysis of Robinsonades from a ‘Bakhtinian’ Adaptation Studies Perspective: Elizabeth Whittaker’s ‘Robina Crusoe and Her Lonely Island Home.’” 9th International IDEA Conference: “Studies in English,” İnönü University, Malatya, Turkey. April 15-17, 2015.
Çelik, Ahmet, Selçuk Savaş, Seda Öz, and Özlem Akat. “Librar-e Turkey Project Advocacy Works.” Academic Computing Conference, Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey. February 5-7, 2014.